Friday, August 13, 2004

Learning Vim

Needin to use another console text editor than ee (somethin with color in it, so I can finally learn and do some programmin), I installed vim which is contained in 5.2.1 CD #1. I dunno bout vi color syntax (and I'm pretty dumb to use vi effectively) and the newbie-friendly environment of vim captivated me instantly.

% man vim

and you'll see what I mean. It even have vimtutor (man vimtutor fer more info), a somewhat interactive tutorial page to learn the function of vim in a brief! Great! It also have a section on how to create, copy and save the .vimrc file which out of conciousness, you'll be doin in vim itself! By the end of each tutorial section, if you're 'doin' rather than 'memorizin', you'll have quite a knowledge of manipulatin vim's commands and features fer everyday text (and program) editin. Oh, I'm a sucker fer color thingy.

What is the programmin language I'm tryin to learn? Right now, python. Yeah I stated that I wanna learn PHP/C++ in my homepage and I will get to that. Just that it's stated that python is the most suitable language fer beginner so I'll learn that as a steppin stone. Oh, I added Assembly as the language to learn.

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6.5 amd64: Modify existing certbot certificates.

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