Sunday, May 22, 2005

Enlightenment went garbled because of unresolved dependencies.

I've installed Enlightenment window manager and there's somethin weird happenin. Everytime I issue startx, Enlightenment seems like it has lost the themes (screen went garbish and got no theme). So after a lookin at enlightenment's dependencies list, I found out that this file is not yet installed:


This file is located in /usr/ports/devel/libltdl15 and i install it. The next Enlightenment session later was lovely. Now the (default) theme is there and it look just gorgeous. If you stumbled into somethin similar like this with Enlightenment, you probably need to look at the dependencies file. I don't know if it's the port bug that make that specific file unresolved while installin, or I mess up the upgradin process before and made this happen.

Enlightenment is a lovely window manager and yet, Fluxbox got more votes from me because the sheer simplicity. Now I can change the darn Fluxbox background! I guess the missin dependency file above made the whole problem with changin wallpaper. The fluxbg port I installed couldn't work though. I had to issue the fbsetbg command manually. *sigh*.

vampire# fbsetbg -u ~/path_to/wallpaper.jpg

Oh yeah fbsetbg can now use Esetroot (wallpaper setter program, came bundled when installin Eterm), like I've said earlier, the missin dependency file is the culprit. No more dull background! Hurrah!

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