Monday, March 12, 2012

5.1 amd64 K43U: Screenshot anyone?


Shown here is my Asus K43U running OpenBSD 5.1 (snapshot). There's tmux displaying a part of dmesg output, then the result of uname -a and lastly the scrot command I use to take this screenshot.

I'm using spectrwm (still scrotwm here) with xstatbar runnin at the bottom.

Oh yeah tmux is using 256 color. Heh. Later.


Unknown said...

This screenshot doesn't look like non-geek computing ;-)

Karl said...

Ah, hey, I think you're right Joel. Maybe because the evolution from using KDE, to Fluxbox to Spectrwm (scrotwm or whatever name they wanna call it now) took a long time, in a non-geek way but by judging the end result now, it looked like non-geek.

6.5 amd64: Modify existing certbot certificates.

Hi, It's been quite some time eh. As you can see, I still upgrade my OpenBSD system regularly but currently I do not have the time to ...