Friday, August 13, 2004

FreeBSD Splash screen

I successfully added a splash screen on bootup. Make sure the kernel is compiled with:

device vga
options VESA
device splash

and go find a good .bmp file (320x200 or 640x480 size, mine is 640x480) to make the splash screen image. Put the image in /boot directory and edit the /etc/loader.conf file like below.


If you're usin a .pcx file, change the splash_bmp_load="YES" to
splash_pcx_load="YES" instead. Reboot and enjoy!. I hope they'll add
.jpg support next. You can find tons of splash screen image here.

The mplayer port has been updated on the net and because my 5.2.1 can't internet yet, I can't upgrade and it seem that my current mplayer file and the dependency files is no longer hosted anywhere. Ack.

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